So this post has been sitting in my "edit posts" section for like 3 days. I feel like such a slacker...and am really kind of mad because I felt like I was having some inspiration on what to say (which has now dissipated from my mind...that is what I get for not writing it down at least). Anyway--I am finally getting to updating the blog and finishing this post. We'll just jump right in where I left off:
Before I get my Valentine, I need to touch on a few other people. 3 to be exact. They were our first "Valentines" and will be the ones we are forever grateful to have in our life. Here they are in no particular order:
Mom in action at Grandpa Powers' 80th birthday |
Dad and 3 of his girls on Christmas morning |
Trent and mom painting of my favorite pictures of these two |
Mom helping me before we started the picture taking :) |
Mom helping Trent get his jacket on just right |
Dad and his Krystal :) So grateful for these two and their special relationship |
You know, their best sides are seen when they are in action. That is why I chose this group of pictures to show some of the things they do. They have taught us much; things as small and random as how to make the perfect sandwich, how to tie our shoes, how to make our beds and pick up our rooms, and how to clean windows and pull weeds in the garden. They've also taught us bigger, more assorted things; how to spoil a child, how to plan a party, how to lead a group, how to make a grown-up decision, how to live a gospel-centered life, how to be accountable, and how to work hard--even when the work environment totally stinks. Sometimes we know they think they were too hard on us, or not hard enough, or that they wish they would've done more. However, they were perfect in what they were able to do...and as for the things they feel like they missed; well, they've helped us to realize how important "they" are and how much we need to work for our kids to have as many opportunities as we feel are important.

We are grateful for the people they are and for all they continue to do for us--because without them, we wouldn't be near the people we are today. Even when they aren't around (My parents live in Denver and Trent's mom is up in Logan), we continue to say "well, if mom were here, what would she do?" Or "If dad were in this situation, I bet he wouldn't let it get to him." We are so blessed, and hope they know how much we love them just the way they are.
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