Dear friends,
We are one busy little family. Ask me what we do everyday that takes up all of our time and energy...and I couldn't give you a very good list. However, here are some of the highlights from the last few months that I *should have* blogged about:
1. Our move! We moved over to the other complex in our ward and we love it! We are now surrounded by our ward friends and feel a little more a part of things. We are still trying to fit in...but that will come, right?
2. We got released from Nursery. After 2 years and 3 months, we were released from the BEST calling in the world. Good thing the Lord helped get my heart ready to move on, or it really would've been awful. We've been adjusting back to Relief Society and EQ the last few weeks and so far, so good.
3. Our jobs are seriously busy. Like--crazy busy. We both have so much to do in our respective positions that it keeps us busy from 7 am until 4ish in the pm. I could personally take up living at work until I got caught up...but I honestly don't know if that would happen. Just for those that are interested, Trent is still working in receiving--and I'm officially in Marketing. I've been in the Marketing department for the past several's just in the last 5 months that I've actually been doing it. Good thing I'm a good eavesdropper...don't know what I'd do if I didn't learn from the previous person that did my job. (Oops...I really did just say that). As I was saying, don't know what in the world I'm doing, but I'm just trying to figure things out as I go. Luckily I have 2 good bosses (count it, two) that are helping me to learn where I fall short.
4. School is good. Time consuming, but good. Trent is up to his neck in school work (had to wrestle the computer away from him tonight, *hee, hee*) and is loving it. It's been a while since I was going through my first years at college (I shouldn't admit how long...), so to see him finally getting to those generals that are actually interesting is way fun. You forget the *bad stuff* until you see someone else in the thick of glad he's on a *good stuff* run with his classes ;0)
5. We took a trip to Colorado this summer, just to surprise my mother. Her birthday was at the end of July and my sister came up with the great idea of getting everyone together to celebrate. So...we drove out with Grandpa Williams and snuck into the house while they were gone at the movie. The surprise was genuine--and she loved it (and hated it--Mom's not one for surprises; can't say that I blame her).
6. I passed up #30 and went to #31. CRAZY!!!! I forget some days that I'm this "old" but some days I feel even older. The thought of bringing a child into our family is exciting...but makes me realize, things will have to change so that we can have enough energy. Totally doable.
7. Still not pregnant. No further comment.
8. I feel officially like a domestic wife. What do I mean you might ask? Well... I canned food this year! Let me rephrase that, Trent and I canned food this year! We canned peaches from my grandpa's tree and tomatoes from our garden. We also made freezer jam. After I got done with the first batch, I was wondering--why in the world did we wait so long to try this? TOTALLY easy. EVERYONE should do this. EVERYONE.
9. As of this last Saturday, our craft room is functional! Can you believe it? For all of those that have seen it--yes--you can walk in and use this beautiful space! It definitely needs some fine tuning, but people--I am excited!
10. I am becoming a crafting fiend. I love to sew, I love to make homemade gifts, and I love to see what we can come up with next! Granted...this crafting is not be the most precise of sewing, but goodness--it makes me happy to finish something! If you are one of the *lucky* recipients of our gifts, and you don't like it, it's ok. Just wait until I leave and you can file it away or give it away--c'est comme tu veux :D
En tout cas, ladies and gentlemen (pretty positive my husband is the only guy that reads this, so maybe I should say gentleman--because he rocks my world :D), je vous laisse (that's all for now). Hope that you are happy, healthy, and looking forward to the holidays with the same anticipation that we are! Love you all!
Gigs For President
1 week ago
1 comment:
WOW!!! You have had a REALLY busy summer!!! It looks like you had a ton of fun!!
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