Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Amanda and the Essential 55

Yesterday we didn't get to do an Essential 55 rule for our activity.  I was feeling crummy, so we needed to make it quick.  We were able to go shopping for some Valentine treats with the idea in mind to give out a Valentine a day.  This was for both of us, which meant 14 Valentines each, and one to distribute each day until le jour de la Saint-Valentin.  She got some jelly bracelets and candy, and I did pencils and candy.  I'm excited to stretch my brain and think of others to share some goodies with...and hopefully she will too!


Amy said...

Essential 55?
I love the treat idea, and the ones in the photo look amazing and delicious all at once :)

Trent and Meg said...

You should read's a good one to remind you of the small stuff (did for me anyway).

And the treats...well...they will look nothing like the above, but I thought those were super aesthetically pleasing looking!