Friday, November 4, 2011

A plug for a friend...

Hi guys!  Two posts on one week--that is a record!
Since a growing family is a topic that is close to my heart, here is a link my friend asked me to share:

This is for a friend of hers that has been trying for years to adopt.  I know many friends that have the same struggle, and I know they appreciate all the support and financial help they can get to help their family expand.  Please take a minute to check it out, even it's only to spread the word to others that might be interested.
Happy Friday to you all!  Have a warm, cozy weekend! 

Monday, October 31, 2011

You're going to be here a while--lets start with just a few pictures...

Here are some of the fun memories we made this summer:
My Honey with sweet little Logan

One of my favorites: reading time!

Time to run a race!  We made it through 2 this summer, me as the runner, Trent as the official photographer

Fun times babysitting our cousins!  

A Trip to Invesco field--go Broncos!

The boy whisperer (seriously, not even kidding)

Grammy and Harry--the day of his baptism

Cooking with Eden and Nan--two of the coolest girls we know!

Special Olympics Baby!  LOVE cheering for our friends!

Boys will be boys!

Kate and her "boys"

Special moments with Grammy

Fun at the pool at the Grasteit family party!  

Our visit to the Church History Library in Salt Lake--a personal tour from one of the best tour guides on the planet!

Listening to Grandpa Powers
Now, there were many more good times and memorable moments...we'll just spare you the photo album. Please sit back, relax, and enjoy the rest of this post.

5 months, 20 days, and a few hours later...

Dear friends,
We are one busy little family.  Ask me what we do everyday that takes up all of our time and energy...and I couldn't give you a very good list.  However, here are some of the highlights from the last few months that I *should have* blogged about:
1. Our move!  We moved over to the other complex in our ward and we love it!  We are now surrounded by our ward friends and feel a little more a part of things.  We are still trying to fit in...but that will come, right?
2. We got released from Nursery.  After 2 years and 3 months, we were released from the BEST calling in the world.  Good thing the Lord helped get my heart ready to move on, or it really would've been awful.  We've been adjusting back to Relief Society and EQ the last few weeks and so far, so good.
3.  Our jobs are seriously busy.  Like--crazy busy.  We both have so much to do in our respective positions that it keeps us busy from 7 am until 4ish in the pm.  I could personally take up living at work until I got caught up...but I honestly don't know if that would happen.  Just for those that are interested, Trent is still working in receiving--and I'm officially in Marketing.  I've been in the Marketing department for the past several's just in the last 5 months that I've actually been doing it.  Good thing I'm a good eavesdropper...don't know what I'd do if I didn't learn from the previous person that did my job.  (Oops...I really did just say that).  As I was saying, don't know what in the world I'm doing, but I'm just trying to figure things out as I go.  Luckily I have 2 good bosses (count it, two) that are helping me to learn where I fall short.
4. School is good.  Time consuming, but good.  Trent is up to his neck in school work (had to wrestle the computer away from him tonight, *hee, hee*) and is loving it.  It's been a while since I was going through my first years at college (I shouldn't admit how long...), so to see him finally getting to those generals that are actually interesting is way fun.  You forget the *bad stuff* until you see someone else in the thick of glad he's on a *good stuff* run with his classes ;0)
5. We took a trip to Colorado this summer, just to surprise my mother.  Her birthday was at the end of July and my sister came up with the great idea of getting everyone together to celebrate.  So...we drove out with Grandpa Williams and snuck into the house while they were gone at the movie.  The surprise was genuine--and she loved it (and hated it--Mom's not one for surprises; can't say that I blame her).
6.  I passed up #30 and went to #31.  CRAZY!!!! I forget some days that I'm this "old" but some days I feel even older.  The thought of bringing a child into our family is exciting...but makes me realize, things will have to change so that we can have enough energy.  Totally doable.
7. Still not pregnant.  No further comment.
8. I feel officially like a domestic wife.  What do I mean you might ask?  Well... I canned food this year!  Let me rephrase that, Trent and I canned food this year!  We canned peaches from my grandpa's tree and tomatoes from our garden.  We also made freezer jam.  After I got done with the first batch, I was wondering--why in the world did we wait so long to try this?  TOTALLY easy.  EVERYONE should do this.  EVERYONE.
9.  As of this last Saturday, our craft room is functional!  Can you believe it?  For all of those that have seen it--yes--you can walk in and use this beautiful space!  It definitely needs some fine tuning, but people--I am excited!
10. I am becoming a crafting fiend.  I love to sew, I love to make homemade gifts, and I love to see what we can come up with next!  Granted...this crafting is not be the most precise of sewing, but goodness--it makes me happy to finish something!  If you are one of the *lucky* recipients of our gifts, and you don't like it, it's ok.  Just wait until I leave and you can file it away or give it away--c'est comme tu veux :D
En tout cas, ladies and gentlemen (pretty positive my husband is the only guy that reads this, so maybe I should say gentleman--because he rocks my world :D), je vous laisse (that's all for now).  Hope that you are happy, healthy, and looking forward to the holidays with the same anticipation that we are!  Love you all!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Catching up...or something like that

Dear Friends,
Oh, how I have missed you (like seriously, missed you!).  I have missed staying caught up with your lives, living vicariously though your dreams and being there with you on your best days and and also on your hardest.  Life has handed me a bit of a challenge--and that challenge is to learn how to focus on what is most important.  Unfortunately, that doesn't involve perusing blogs, it doesn't involve looking for much inspiration in the colorful creations of others...rather, it means relying on the essential.  It also hasn't found time for me to develop many talents (including writing; keeping up on the blog), as I either don't have time or just need some time to rest and be still with my husband.  
That said, please forgive me for late birthday wishes, congratulations that needed to be spoken for the end of finals and graduation events and basically the overdue cheering on your most important milestones.  To some, these things may seem small...and perfectly acceptable to be forgotten (or even mentioned late), but it BUGS me that I can't be super woman.  It really eats at my self-worth that I can't do everything right, and oftentimes totally fail at making up for times when I just do it all wrong. 
Oh...wait.  You didn't come here for a pity-party OR a laundry list of faults (because trust me...I was just getting started.  I could keep you here all day...).  You came to see how we were doing, and let me tell you--life is good.  Stressful, yes.  Hard, yes.  A struggle sometimes (especially to get out the door to exercise, or to peel ourselves out of bed at 5:40-something-am for work), oh yea baby!  However, there really are the best of rewards.  There is much love in our new home.  Yes, that is right, we moved into a town home.  A place we call our home, and we love it.  But mostly, we love each other most.  We are constantly trying to work on making our communication better, on saying the little things more, and on trying to understand the bigger picture, rather then just getting upset at, for example, the jerk that cut us off (I'm mostly still working on that one!) and applying that to work/school/family/etc.  We would love to have our family grow, but are realizing that will happen in the Lord's time.  At the end of the day, we are especially grateful for a loving Heavenly Father that helped us to find each other, so that we can continue to work on the hard things together and be made stronger together too--all so that we are ready to help those around us.
Work is good--so busy, and such a time of growth, but it is good.  I was feeling sorry for myself the other day, and in doing some self-talk, started to have the following conversation:

-"Megan, exercising is sometimes hard, and sometimes you really just try to avoid it"

-"well, yes..."

-"Well, what if Heavenly Father is trying to prepare you for something?  What if He is trying to get you ready for the marathon you'll need to run as a mom...what if there is something else coming that you need this spiritual muscle growth for...did you think of that?"

-"Well, I do enjoy the results of a good work out program...and the sense of accomplishment that comes from mastering something with hard work...hum, I wonder what is coming..."

Who knows...but for now, I will do my best not to avoid the exercise, but to embrace it.  I will try to look for opportunities to be better, instead of slipping down to the comfortable and missing the toned muscle in my heart and mind.  Can you tell I've been thinking a lot about exercise lately?  Might have something to do with Biggest Loser...and my own personal goals...yea, probably something like that.  In anycase, I need to sign off for now.  My sweet husband is ready for our study time.
Sweet dreams to all of you as well.  I am not M.I.A. Promise.  Just trying to find my place so that I can tell you more about it soon enough.

Sunday, March 20, 2011


So this week, I went on a pretty strict "internet fast" at work.  This was in an effort to show my boss (and those around me) that I was really serious about the wanting more work.  I didn't want there to be anything deferring them (or even myself) from knowing that I am ready and willing to work.  It really seemed to help...I'd do all the work I was responsible for, alert a few people that I could help, and then read the book I'd brought with me (A Heart Like His: Making Space for Gods Love in Your Life).  I really feel like this time in my life is a learning time--a time for testing, a time for a little more faith and a little more work, and especially a time for loving and forgiving, which is why I struggle with the lack of work  (Among a few other things...)I think.  Anyway--in leaving myself available to help others when I finished with what I needed, it seemed like there wasn't a ton of time to read.  Along with that, it helped me remember things I might normally forget if I was distracted by something else.  Anyway...I think I need to continue this for a while, just to help me be a little more in control (or actually, let Heavenly Father be more in control) of what is happening in my life...really, it did seem to affect my attitude for the whole week. 
In going along with my internet fast, I also have been striving to find peace with certain things (in particular, certain relationships) in my life.  I don't remember times when I've struggled with being patient or forgiving of others...until now.  There are a few things in my life that bring out deep-seated emotions, that sometimes surprise me.  Usually my poor husband (and my insides of course) bear the brunt of these emotions, but as a result some of my relationships with others have begun to wear down as a result.  Fortunately, I've been blessed with excellent reading and listening material (The Peacegiver, A Heart Like His, and For all Eternity) that has helped me understand certain principles, some of which include the following:
1. The problem starts with me, and especially, how I choose to react to the situation
2. It doesn't matter what the other person does to me or my family; rather, it is (returning to the above) how I choose to respond that counts
3. I need to let the Saviors suffering be enough...He doesn't expect (or even want) me to hold onto any hurt or pain I might feel at the expense of others
4. Efforts at real communication=multitude of blessings
5. Never ask why, or even offer why--rather, take responsibility for your actions when apologizing, and ask the people you've hurt/offended to help you change your course (in other words, repent)
Now, I know that the above might sound harsh...and I'm probably getting into too many details, but please know that many would think my current set of worries pretty harmless, and maybe even dumb.  However, these were things I needed to hear lately that pertained to me and helped me understand myself, as well as those around me.  I just wanted to share in the hopes that maybe they will peak some thought in you as well...just if you needed it ;D.  Anyway, I just learned I need to keep moving forward...whether at a turtle's pace, or at a rabbit's pace.
Speaking of turtles, I went running outside for the first time this year...very slowly...and my goodness, not the best day to do so.  Then again, maybe it was, because it is a start!  I did the loop around town, and even stopped in a new little boutique, and then headed towards home.  Before Trent and I got married, I ran a lot more (well in the 2 years before we got was a new thing) and I'm hoping to find my way back to that place.  I think it will help me in many ways.  
Other then that, things are somewhat mellow around here.  Last week I took Amanda to the Orem Fitness Center to work out on the elliptical.  I think I wore her out :D but it was good for both of us to be there together.  That child...sometimes I think we are making real progress, and sometimes not.  However, I had a revelation the other day--I think I just need to figure out what "real progress" with her really is.  After all, she is living in a completely different environment then us, with pressures I NEVER had at her age.  If she succeeds at school, is kind to her peers, avoids a fight because someone was calling her names, etc...THAT is certainly progress.  Outside of that (i.e. other life skills)...those are the ones we need to keep working on :D  She really is a good kid...we just want to see her get out of the rut her family has been in for years.
Also, we got to go spend some time with 1 of my o-so-adorable (I have 2 of them!!) nieces, as well as her 2 wonderful brothers.  Her birthday is at the end of the month, and so she and I spent a few hours making her birthday present (a book with her favorite pictures :)  It was great fun!
Well, now that I've made this into an official journal entry (really am sorry if this is too personal...), I'll stop for now.  This week coming up will be crazy with all kinds of fun...Southtowne Expo.  It will be fun to see the friends we've made the past few years, and hopefully sell lots of stuff for the company.  Have a great week friends!

Need a pick-me-up? :)

Try this...

Friday, March 11, 2011

Life Lessons

Just when I think you have things under control, when I think I've buried the hatchet and have moved on...bu-BAM!  Nope, sorry!  Try again.  Sometimes it's hard to learn the same lesson again, and again, oh, and again.  When that happens, I think "not caring" is the answer...just so that I don't have any feelings to one side at least.  However, I realize that won't solve anything, as one must have feelings about certain issues that are close to the heart, either one way or another.  All thoughts of not caring really only leave me feeling guilty or a bit like a scallywag. So, I process the moment; feel the guilt that comes with my actions, give myself a "talking to", pick myself up, and try to keep moving forward as gracefully as possible...even if it's at a turtle's pace. I know learning is part of life--I just wish my heart and (especially) my pride would learn a little bit faster!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Lee Taylor Photography

You know those people that take pictures that remind you of the moment (even if you weren't there the first time?)?  I mean, there are the point-and-shoot pictures I take that try to capture this feeling... but yea, I'm definitely not very successful at it (maybe 1 in 100??? maybe?). However, one of the few *someones* that can do this, is Mandy.  She is the brains and muscle behind Lee Taylor Photography.  All the pictures I've seen of hers are so wonderful!  They are not overly-posed, they aren't sloppy, they are creative...really, they are quite delightful.  
Anyway--she is doing a give-away for two free sessions.  Go check it out...Mandy is super sweet, and her darling (hopefully you'll get to meet them if you win!)

Now really, go check it out...
Lee Taylor Photography <--- click here

Happy Birthday Pretty Lady :)

Happy Birthday to the cutest florist/runner/blogger/Primary President I know!! Thanks for inspiring me to try just a little harder :)

Happy Late Birthday Little Guy!!

Happy late birthday little moose!  We are so grateful you are our nephew!  You bring such joy (and large smiles) to our family. 4 years old, and already such a smart little one...can't wait to see what you'll do next!
Uncle Trent and Aunt Meg

Life, what can you say? (Part 2)

So you know, there are those goals that are just hard for me to keep.  Journaling is one of them.  I try to blog during certain times of the day, because the computer at home is either in use (by my very studious husband) or I'm just too tired (going to have to make some adjustments when the kids come!).  However, I've had a new goal of really putting my shoulder to the wheel at work and it is going pretty ok so far.  This means, though, that I need to make new time to blog.  Since Trent is home sick today, I'm going to blog during my lunch.  So here we go:
Recent events 
1. Amanda outings: On the 1st of this month, we went to the DI to find some treasures.  We each had $5 (I set the limit low, or else... ;0).  I found 3 books to add to our children's book collection, and she found a shirt.  Yea!  This past Tuesday, we went to Roberts and got supplies for decorating a canvas.  This canvas was to be a creative way of displaying our goals, as I felt it was time to get us both thinking about them (AND writing them down).  I'll have to post a picture later of mine...I left the camera in the car while we decorated them and didn't get a picture of hers.
2. Family time: We got to attend my Uncle Craig's 60th birthday this past weekend, AND got to have dinner with Grandpa twice in the past two weeks.  Poor guy found out he had pneumonia this last week, so we got to take him dinner yesterday (extra dinner time :).
 3. Sad but so good(and a bit cheezy): Do any of you watch The Biggest Loser? I haven't ever watched it as consistently as I have this past season, and this is a good one.  Last week, the contestants got to have a home visit.  It was so much fun watching them all...I cried.  Then Arthur went home...and I cried more (sometimes I am such a baby).  Like, seriously.  I was angry with the red team, and angry that they couldn't say anything better then "we need to be loyal to our team" as the reason for sending him home.  Then, they showed how he is doing today, and he is great.  He probably would've lost more had he been able to stay on the ranch longer, but as for his attitude--it was awesome.  At that point, I realized I needed to buck-up and deal.  After all, what were my tears worth if he was being positive, making progress, and seeing great results?  
This lesson came into full application when I attended a funeral for my friends' little boy this past weekend.  He only lived 3 1/2 months, and had an impact on every life he touched...including mine.  I didn't know about his death until the day before the funeral, didn't even know he was born yet either (last time I saw his mom was in October at Krystal's wedding, at which point she was still pregnant.  Still...bad friend).  When I got to the funeral, I didn't know what to expect, as I myself wouldn't know how I would handle something like this.  And you know, Jen and Scott were amazing, absolutely AMAZING.  When I was talking to Scott's dad after the service, he related to me (and another friend) the process they went though to get the funeral planned.  President DuVall told his son "We don't have funerals for babies." To which Scott replied "Haven't you always told us, funerals are opportunities for us to teach the gospel?"  And boy, were we taught!  I left feeling tired and worn out from the experience, and knowing everything was really going to be ok.  There were 3 main lessons that stuck with me that day, namely: 1.The gospel is real (and still those reminders :); 2. the Atonement really does have the power to heal hearts (you know this, you just sometimes wonder how to apply it to yourself and those around you) and 3. Jen and Scott will have their hard days, but they will be blessed to have the comfort of the Spirit with them on those days...all because they understand the preceding 2 points.  Once again, it was time to buck up and think.  How would my tears help them when they were blessed with a greater peace?  I needed to look inside myself to understand and apply these lessons, and their preparation helped me.  
4.  This face...
...the one holding these sweet little ones, is sick today.  My poor husband feels like he's been hit by a bus.  I can't wait until I can go home and take care of him.
And that, friends, is the best, most concise update for my absence these past few weeks (that and all the busy-ness that comes with life).  Hope you are all well!  Until next time...

Life, what can you say?

Dear Friends,
This is Megan.  Yes, we are still alive at our has been a bit busy, but we are still breathing steadily :)  I am bugged with myself that I can't find enough time to blog...especially with the way the last couple weeks have been.  Alas...there is a small window of time to do some catching up which I will now take advantage of.

Thank you for being so patient (not that you were too worried... ;0)


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Amanda and the Essential 55

So, last week for our activity, we did the following:

First: Got food at good 'ol Arctic Circle
Second: Drove to the park by the library...can't wait until it's warm enough to stay outside :)
Third: Read about Rule #4 (Respect others comments, opinions and ideas...not by laughing at them or making discouraging comments...good rule...needed the reminder myself for sure)
Fourth: Visited the Antique store/book shop on Main (which is where we found the above beauty)
Fifth and final: Went to Joann's for some fabric for a blanket for her

We are funny people...she's sometimes eccentric, and I try to balance her out.  However, we've discovered that we both love, LOVE, love old things.  We love old people, old buildings, old fashioned quilts and decor... LOVE it.  Today...with our love of old things, we're going to do some genealogy.  I can hardly wait!!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Trent :)

So, as you all know, le jour de la St-Valentin was this past week.  Well, true to form, my husband got his Valentine just a little late ( like 2 days late).  Nice huh.  I was so bugged with myself.  After all, I'd had all these great ideas on things I could do for him (things I will save for another year)...and I didn't do one of them.  Not one.  One of my goals (well, since it isn't written for now, dreams) in life is to be on time.  I am ALWAYS, always, a-l-w-a-y-s late with gifts and presents, unless the party is held on the same day as the big event. Then again, even at that...I still can manage to be late.
Let me give you a few examples.  At the end of 2009, we decided to make our kids books to help them remember the things they had learned in Nursery.  Can you guess when they got them?  It think it was March.  We're right on track with our kids that moved up last year...their project is still unfinished (and it was way scaled down from the year before).  I think I will try for the end of the month on these.  Finally, our brother-in-law's last part of the birthday gift he was meant to get in December (that accidentally got left at home when we went to my parents for Christmas, that and the rest of the gift for my mom) is barely on it's way to his house.  Nice huh?  I am always a bit embarrassed when I send or hand things out late, just hoping the people I am giving them to will forgive me.  Anyway, long story short (yes, you already made it through 2 ENTIRE paragraph on my tardiness), was that I wanted to dedicate a post to my sweet husband on Valentines.  4 days later, here we go. 
Trent has been a most important part of my life for almost 4 years now. It all started with a crush...
Me trying to keep my eyes open (will not show previous picture, as this one looks lame enough of me ;0)

Much better...

...and then, after 2 years of time to learn and grow and love together...
Color me mine--love that place!
Painting instead of carving...our best idea yet!!
Dog sitting was super fun (really was!)
Family time the day after Grandma passed
Hanging lights for Grandpa
Trying to help Miss Kate into my shoes
So many good times to be had!
Our ever sophisticated McCall and sweet little "Faff"
we did this...
Salt Lake Temple in the afternoon
Trent's side of the family
My sweet sisters
Trent's sweet sisters and their husbands
My side of the family
My wonderful mother-in-law
My sweet parents
Since then, we have continued our journey together.  The best part is going through life with my best friend at my side.  With each challenge we encounter, we work together to learn how to move through it smarter (and hopefully, learn faster) and better.  I am so grateful for every part of this man--for his patience with me, his faith that guides, his love for me and for our family, and for his perspective on others and life in general. I am also so excited to see him in action with the little ones we hope will join our family soon enough.  He will be such a wonderful father.  I am so blessed--SO blessed. 


So this post has been sitting in my "edit posts" section for like 3 days.  I feel like such a slacker...and am really kind of mad because I felt like I was having some inspiration on what to say (which has now dissipated from my mind...that is what I get for not writing it down at least).  Anyway--I am finally getting to updating the blog and finishing this post.  We'll just jump right in where I left off:

Before I get my Valentine, I need to touch on a few other people.  3 to be exact.  They were our first "Valentines" and will be the ones we are forever grateful to have in our life.  Here they are in no particular order:
Mom in action at Grandpa Powers' 80th birthday

Dad and 3 of his girls on Christmas morning

Trent and mom painting of my favorite pictures of these two

Mom helping me before we started the picture taking :)

Mom helping Trent get his jacket on just right

Dad and his Krystal :) So grateful for these two and their special relationship
  You know, their best sides are seen when they are in action. That is why I chose this group of pictures to show some of the things they do.  They have taught us much; things as small and random as how to make the perfect sandwich, how to tie our shoes, how to make our beds and pick up our rooms, and how to clean windows and pull weeds in the garden.  They've also taught us bigger, more assorted things; how to spoil a child, how to plan a party, how to lead a group, how to make a grown-up decision, how to live a gospel-centered life, how to be accountable, and how to work hard--even when the work environment totally stinks.  Sometimes we know they think they were too hard on us, or not hard enough, or that they wish they would've done more.  However, they were perfect in what they were able to do...and as for the things they feel like they missed; well, they've helped us to realize how important "they" are and how much we need to work for our kids to have as many opportunities as we feel are important. 

We are grateful for the people they are and for all they continue to do for us--because without them, we wouldn't be near the people we are today.  Even when they aren't around (My parents live in Denver and Trent's mom is up in Logan), we continue to say "well, if mom were here, what would she do?" Or "If dad were in this situation, I bet he wouldn't let it get to him."  We are so blessed, and hope they know how much we love them just the way they are.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Warm fuzzies and other thoughts

In keeping with the spirit of Valentines (less then a week away!), I wanted to take some time to talk about our grandparents.  They are true blessings in our lives.  Let us present:
Grandpa and Grandma Powers
 Grandpa Williams
 And Grandma Millie
There is one very important member of the group missing from this photo montage.  That is Grandma Beverly.  Her time in life was made a little bit shorter then Grandpa Powers'...she has been gone since 2001, and has been sorely missed.  However, Grandpa was blessed to find Grandma Vauna, who hasn't been a substitute but a remarkable and valued addition to our family.  Grandma Millie isn't with us anymore either...that is probably why I dare post a picture of her in her pj's...but still, she looks pretty cute (and a bit sassy), don't you think?  
Our time with our Grandparents are treasured moments.  With our interest in old things, we love asking them questions about when the were growing up.  They tell us stories about things like skipping church, getting in trouble for talking too much, what it was like to be in love with each other, and many other little gems we aren't allowed to repeat ;0) However, what we love most is the respect for their experiences that helps to mold our own actions.  We are able to learn from them and be better because of them.  Our goal now--give back a little to them, but trade for knowledge, hugs, and ice cream along the way. 

Amanda report :)

This week for our outing, Amanda came to the mentor banquet with me.  I volunteered her (and she accepted of course) to serve food to the mentors.  It was a fun night, and the best part was when the BYU young ambassadors sang. I've never heard them before until then...and they were awesome.  If you have the chance to see them, you should try it out!

Thanks Karla for a wonderful night!


You know, some days I'm grateful for "good opposition."  This is one of those days.  I know the negative/hard/un-motivating stuff is needed to make us stronger, but...can we get to tonight already?