Monday, January 31, 2011

Lesson number 1 (on the blog)

My life has been full of lessons, and especially good ones when I've been willing to listen. I know I just need to accept them and say "thanks!" but sometimes it's hard, you know? 

So, this past weekend, I had some lessons to learn.  One major one was: Even if I am "right" about something, I make it all wrong by acting out.  There was an incident...and I won't go into the details, because they don't need to be re-lived, but needless to say at the end of it all...I acted out.  Yes, me, the 30-year old you see above, reacted to the situation.  And you know, I ALWAYS get myself in trouble by reacting.  It doesn't solve anything, doesn't make me (or anyone else feel better), doesn't change the outcome...rather, it just makes me feel guilty.  You would think I'd learn a little faster...but no...I still need a few more "go's" at it before I will get it most of the way down.  I am so very grateful for my sweet husband though...he always knows just the right things to say and how to bring comfort and resolution to my heart.  I can't remember exactly who said it (or how it was said), but I think Elder Packer said something at one time about how our husbands are able to bring peace and comfort (besides the Spirit of course :) that no one else can.  I totally second that!  So until then, please forgive me if I forget to think and speak instead, or say things and need to come back later to apologize.  I am grateful for forgiving people who help me learn and move on.

Now...I'm off to the doctor.  Blah.  I have been sick (on and off) for a few weeks now and I'm done with it!  Hopefully he'll find something that can be fixed ;0)

Friday, January 28, 2011

Randomness and other goodies :)

So, I didn't post yesterday...mostly because I didn't have anything good to talk about ;0)  However, just to keep up with the journaling part of my blogging goal, I will continue on my quest to write down our events.  Really boring honestly...but important for us.

This week has been good for the goal sheet.  Why you might wonder? Well...
  1. I only burned one meal (Teriyaki crock pot chicken), but still managed to have home-cooked meals for us every day of the week (Which was essential to my plan of not eating cheese or bread)
  2. I've exercised 3 times this week!  Feat for me...I'm just trying to find some kind of  schedule to get it done since I stink at getting up early to exercise (too tired).
  3. Schedules are hard to keep...but so worth it!  We've been working earlier this week and Trent has been studying lots...but it is helping to get things done and helps us both feel good about what we see finished at the end of the day. 
  4. The Nursery Rooms are clean again!  (At least for a week) Liza and I and her girls went and cleaned and de-junked, straightened and organized.  I didn't get everything done I wanted to (still need to add some Valentines decor) but it felt most wonderful.  There is just something about an organized room/closet/area that brightens my spirit :) 
  5. I love having a great Visiting Teaching Companion.  Paula and I keep each other "on task" and have been to visit our girls twice now.  Another January down...many (MANY) more months (days and years) to go.
Only problem now is that I am SO tired.  I hope I'm not getting sick...just working enough throughout each day, but still...need to watch it!    We don't have any super exciting plans this weekend, except for:

1. A visit to this handsome guy 

2. Finishing a project for our nursery "graduates", and

  3. Finishing our planning for quality learning activities with these sweet little ones.  

There you have it!  We hope that you have a most excellent weekend! 

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Amanda and the Essential 55

So, after some input from the woman that is over the mentor program, we changed our focus this year with Amanda.  After all, the poor girl has been taken all around Utah County and has been subjected to many things:

 Hugging the fake Santa at the Jamestown assisted living center (a place that she LOVES by the way...especially because Leah lives there...our little friend Leah has a way of helping her to feel loved and accepted (and me too!) that woman :)

Walking down the railroad tracks for a good picture...this, a feat in and of itself because for the first year we spent together, she wouldn't hardly let me take her picture :)

Looking for cool buildings...some that are nearly dilapidated, but that peak our interest (Culture tour of Utah County) 

And finally...more pictures (can't forget the "sassy pose")

Anyway, as I was saying, we changed our focus to working on learning the rules listed in the Essential 55.  This is a book written by Ron Clark, a teacher that had difficult children.  Let me qualify that though...Amanda is not necessarily a difficult child, especially for us.  However, she was raised in circumstances that were much different then we were, and as such, has ideas, thoughts, values and attitudes that are different then mine.  Let me also say, however (this part seems like one big run on sentence...blah), that my ideas, thoughts, values and attitudes are not always as refined as they should we both had something to learn on this journey.  Long story short...we were both in for the adventure!  So far, we've done Rules 1, 5 and last night was Rule 11.  Rule 11 basically states that you should perform a random act of kindness for someone that is totally random once a month.  This act of kindness cannot be something that is expected or asked for (i.e. birthday or anniversary present); rather, it has to be something that is thought out beyond just buying someone a gift.  The reading that went with the rule was quite lengthy (after stating the rules, he'll give an example of how he taught his class this rule), and very enjoyable.  After we finished, though, I asked if she had thought of someone we could do something nice for.  She didn't have any ideas, but I did.  She has an older sister that lives in Payson that we've never been able to do anything for.  I suggested going and getting her some flowers.  She was all for it.  We went to a new flower shop in Spanish Fork that we'd just noticed that day, and I let her pick out 3 flowers (2 roses and a daisy).  After the girl wrapped them up, we jumped in the car and off we went.  She was so excited to do something for Jill...we hadn't before, just because of the drive to get to her house...but now with Amanda living in Spanish, that made the distance much shorter.  She directed me around the roads and right up into the driveway.  Then she ran into the house while I waited in the car.  

We'll have to work on the random act of kindness once a month.  I think it will be good for us both to think of others and what we can do for them.  This might involve visits, gifts, notes...who knows, but we will come up with something good sure!

Stay tuned for next weeks episode...

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Current happenings

So, I love to read blogs like NieNie, CJane, Where flowers bloom, etc because I come away inspired. My thoughts are found somewhere in the mix of "I want to be more humble, I need to read my scriptures more, I need to pass out more notes to my neighbors, I want to be more organized, I want to be a super mommy, I want to refinish all the furniture in our apartment", etc. Tiring huh? After all, I might have many of the same responsibilities as them. Some of them include being a wife and having a husband I love to do things for, having a full time job, having a calling, crafting, wondering about when our family will grow... all thoughts and actions that come in no particular order. Anyway--I wanted to start our blog for a few reasons; the main reasons being 1. to keep a journal and 2. to inspire others. Now, while those thoughts of inspiration are still percolating (heck, they may never surface...or may take years, one of the two :), I will do some journaling. Here is what we've been up to lately (and the pictures are in no particular order...still trying to figure out that part... :)

1. Studying...and lots of it! Trent has got a full load (between school and work) this semester. My sweet husband is a great student too...we've started weekly planning sessions that help us both stay on schedule :)

2. Taking pictures of our nieces and nephews (we must have like 20 from nearly every time we get together...can't get enough of them...)

3. Planning family time :)

4. Planning for and learning along with our nursery kids...this is their most recent favorite "closing activity"

5. Getting updates from these two beauties (and the rest of our lovely family :)

There you have it for today...need to get back to my project at work :)

Monday, January 24, 2011

Things to remember for the week...

Megan: No cheese, no bread, nursery stuff (including organizing, crafting, and pondering over our 18 month olds)

Trent: Homework, basketball, hug meg :)

More updates to come soon...and hopefully pictures...

We're Live!

Dear Friends,
It's official...we've started a blog! I've been pondering this for a good year now (and seriously for like 3 weeks...) and it is time. I am hoping to have some organization to the blog...after all, our interests, activities, etc...etc...are quite diverse. So, tune in for the adventures of the Lloyds. They will be grand for us!

Trent and Meg